Stress Awareness Month: Workplace Stress

Stress is “silent” but the consequences at the business and individual level are stronger than you think.

Understanding Workplace Stress

Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension. It can come from any event or thought that makes you feel frustrated, angry, or nervous. Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge or demand. Based on an annual survey from the American Psychological Association (APA), 60 percent of people in the United States consider their job a major source of stress. In fact, job stress ranked higher than the economy, family responsibilities and even personal health concerns. Other studies report similar findings: A quarter of surveyed employees view their job as the No. 1 stressor in their lives. Job stress should not be confused with challenge, which motivates the employee to learn and master new skills. Challenge is an important aspect of productive work. Some stress is OK. But when it occurs rapidly and in large amounts, mental and physical health can be negatively affected.

What causes workplace stress?

There is no one cause of stress in the workplace. Every worker is an individual with their professional and personal lives bringing different factors that may influence their reactions to conditions in the workplace.

There are factors within workplaces that have been shown to influence feelings of stress in the workplace.

  • Workload/Adequate time to complete a task
  • Lack of appreciation/little recognition for good job performance
  • Shift/hours of work
  • Skills / abilities do not match job demands
  • Role conflict (conflicting job demands, too many roles)
  • Uncertain job expectations/role ambiguity
  • Lack of systems in workplace available to respond to concerns
  • Not engaging employees when undergoing organizational change

Stress can have an impact on your overall health.

    • Anguish and irritability
    • Inability to concentrate.
    • Difficult to focus.
    • A complication to make decisions.
    • Feel withdrawn or isolated from others
    • Constant tiredness, depression, and restlessness.
    • Heart disease.
    • Digestive disorders.
    • Increased blood pressure.
    • Headaches.
    • Anxiety

We provided our employees with STRESS HARD HATS to have at their desk for those hair pulling moments.

Why is workplace stress awareness important?

Some employers and employees assume that high levels of workplace stress are normal, or that pressure to perform is the only way to stay productive and profitable. However, research tends to challenge these assumptions. The CDC points to studies that show “stressful working conditions are actually associated with increased absenteeism, tardiness, and intentions by workers to quit their jobs.

5 Simple Ways to Be Less Stressed at Work

Set Boundaries

  • What boundary can you set at work with your boss, colleagues, or team? This can minimize stress as it gives you more time for YOU, and for you to handle what you need to during the hours that you’re at your desk.

Embrace Disconnection

  • Disconnecting email from your phone isn’t practical for everyone in 2021 but we can all work to find a way to disconnect. As an example, maybe you find one hour each day (at home and at work) to turn off your phone completely and just focus on something else.

Make A List

  • We know, you have 100 things. Guess what? You won’t finish those. There’s no chance. So what are the real-deal, top-three, these have to happen today items? Start your morning with those and you’ll feel successful before lunch, and downright jubilant on your commute home knowing that they won’t be staring you down when you return to work tomorrow.

Start With the Things You Dread

  • We all have tasks that we want to do and tasks we don’t want to do. Challenge yourself to start your day by writing that boring report, or tackling whatever the most “ugh”-inducing items on your list might be. This will ensure that you are leaving the day feeling accomplished, therefore enabling you to feel less stressed.

Work Ahead

  • When you are behind on everything you are going to feel stressed out and overwhelmed. Getting a handle on your workload will not only pay dividends for your mental health, but it’ll help minimize the stressful situations you find yourself in when, inevitably, something catches fire at the last minute.

One lucky employee won an ELECTRIC, HEATED, NECK MASSAGER! This is how Tidewater Staffing campaigns for Stress Awareness Month.

2021-04-26T10:20:10-05:00April 26th, 2021|

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